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How much protein is there in anjeer?

Written by

Team Lo! food

Medically Reviewed

Surabhi KS

Nutritionist | Diabetes Educator


Anjeer, also known as fig, is a nutrient-dense fruit that is packed with essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber. It is commonly consumed in its dried form, offering a sweet and chewy snack option. The nutritional value of anjeer extends beyond just protein content. It is rich in fiber, contributing to digestive health and promoting feelings of fullness.

Additionally, anjeer is a good source of potassium, calcium, and magnesium, essential minerals for overall well-being. When enjoying anjeer as part of your diet, it is essential to consider its versatile uses. Whether added to oatmeal, yogurt, or enjoyed on its own, anjeer can be a convenient and flavorful snack choice.

Due to its natural sweetness, anjeer can also serve as a healthier alternative to sugary treats. While anjeer may not be a protein powerhouse, its nutritional value and delicious taste make it a valuable addition to a well-rounded diet. So, next time you reach for a snack, consider including anjeer for its unique benefits.

Lofoods Product

Nutrient Content in Anjeer


Content in Dried Anjeer

Content in Raw Anjeer

Energy (in Calories)

249 Kcal

74 Kcal

Lipids (in gram)

0.93 g

0.3 g

Dietary Fibre (in gram)

9.8 g

2.9 g

Calcium (in milligram)

162 mg

35 mg

Magnesium (in milligram)

68 mg

17 mg

Protein (in gram)

3.3 g

0.75 g

Sugar (in gram)

47.92 g

16.26 g

Iron (in milligram)

2.03 mg

0.37 mg

Phosphorous (in milligram)

67 mg

14 mg

Vitamin C (in milligram)

1.2 mg

2 mg

Choline (in milligram)

15.8 mg

4.7 g

Potassium (in milligram)

680 mg

232 mg

Folate (in microgram)

9 mcg

6 mcg

Vitamin A (in microgram)

0 mcg

7 mcg

Vitamin K (in microgram)

15.6 mcg

4.7 mcg

Beta Carotene (in microgram)

6 mcg

85 mcg

Lutein and Zeaxanthin (in microgram)

32 mcg

9 mcg

Factors Affecting Protein Levels in Anjeer

When it comes to the protein levels in anjeer, several factors play a crucial role in determining the nutritional content of this popular fruit.

  • The variety of anjeer chosen for consumption significantly affects its protein levels. Each variety may have slightly different protein content, so selecting the right type is important.

  • Moreover, the processing methods involved can also impact the protein content of anjeer. For instance, sun-dried anjeer may retain more protein compared to those that undergo extensive processing involving heat. Minimal processing helps in preserving the natural nutrients present in the fruit.

  • Additionally, storage conditions are another critical factor influencing the protein levels in anjeer. Proper storage, away from direct sunlight and moisture, helps in maintaining the protein content over time. Exposure to unfavorable storage conditions can lead to nutrient loss, including proteins.

These factors not only affect the protein levels but also overall nutritional value, making it essential to pay attention to these details for maximum health benefits.

Health Benefits & Side effects of Anjeer

Health Benefits

  1. Rich in Nutrients: Anjeer is packed with essential vitamins and minerals that contribute to overall health.

  2. Digestive Health: Anjeer is known to aid digestion and prevent constipation due to its high fiber content.

  3. Heart Health: Consumption of Anjeer can help lower cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of heart diseases.

  4. Immune System Boost: Anjeer is loaded with antioxidants that strengthen the immune system and fight off infections.

  5. Weight Management: Anjeer can be beneficial for weight management as it promotes a feeling of fullness and reduces cravings.

Side Effects

  1. Laxative Effect: Anjeer's high fiber content may cause stomach discomfort and diarrhea in some individuals.

  2. Allergic Reactions: Some people may experience allergic reactions to Anjeer, such as itching or swelling.

  3. Blood Sugar Spikes: Anjeer is high in natural sugars, which may lead to spikes in blood sugar levels.

  4. Potential Gas and Bloating: Excessive consumption of Anjeer may cause gas and bloating due to its fiber content.

  5. Interactions with Medications: Anjeer may interact with certain medications, so consult a healthcare provider before adding it to your diet.

Lofoods Product

Anjeer: A Source of Protein?

Understanding how much protein is present in just one anjeer can be eye-opening for individuals seeking to enhance their protein consumption through natural means. Apart from being a convenient and tasty protein option, anjeer also provides a range of health benefits, including supporting muscle development and aiding in weight management.

In the quest for optimal nutrition, considering the protein levels in anjeer proves to be a beneficial addition. Whether added to smoothies, salads, or enjoyed on its own, anjeer stands out as a versatile and nutritious component to elevate one's protein intake.

Therefore, remember to include this protein-packed fruit in your diet to reap its wholesome advantages and support your overall well-being.

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