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7 Amazing Low Carb Vegan Options For Diabetes

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Team Lo! food

Medically Reviewed

Vibhuti Jain

Nutrition Consultant | R&D Head

If you are someone with diabetes, you must supplement your diet with plant-based foods like fruits and vegetables that are rich in dietary fiber. While there aren't any specific food recommended to include in a diabetic diet, it is crucial to eat the healthiest foods, particularly those that are low in carbs and glycemic index and in moderate amounts alongside practicing frequent mealtimes. 

Per a 2019 study, a plant-based diet has the potential to keep diabetes at bay, compared to one with red meat. Research has demonstrated that a vegan diet might help diabetics better control thieir blood glucose levels. 

But be informed that not all vegan foods are healthy for you. Despite being vegan, certain food choices are likely to be ultra-processed or contain refined grains, starch or worse- sugars! Sometimes they have little to no fiber and nutrients. Thus, for a vegan diet to benefit your diabetes, you should be consuming whole foods, and more importantly ones that are low in carbs.  

Here’s a list of healthy vegan food options for people fighting diabetes:

1. Superfood seeds:

Including superfood seeds like chia and flax can be great for blood sugar control. Not only are they packed with essential nutrients and antioxidants, but also offer a wide range of health benefits while being low in carbs. They can help you keep your blood sugar levels in control and maintain a healthy body weight alongside improving your heart health. Being rich sources of dietary fiber, protein, omega-3 fatty acids, magensium etc, they help reduce food cravings and effective diabetes management.  

2. Nuts:

As a part of  a balanced Low Carb diabetic diet, adding nuts can offer great health benefits. In fact, the American Diabetes Association list nuts as beneficial for diabetics. Amongst the others, almonds, cashews, walnuts, pistachios and peanuts are best recommended for diabetics following the vegan diet. Being rich sorces of beneficial fats, nuts are great for improving the health of diabetics such as promting heart health, proteing organs and i controlling bloogd sugar. Nuts are also great sources of nutrients such as folate, thiamine, phytosterols, potassium, magnesium, dietary fiber, and several vitamins.

3. Soy:

Extremely beneficial for people with diabetes given how rich it is in health-boosting compounds like isoflavones. Not only are isoflavones effective in lowering heart disease risk but are also great for keeping diabetes at bay. Studies have demonstrated that consuming a diet rich in soy helped reduce blood sugar levels and improve glucose tolerance in study participants with diabetes. Whats more, It is Low Carb and is also enriched with several essential nutrients and vitamins and is rich in protein, omega-3 fatty acids, iron, zinc and calcium that can benefit a diabetic’s health. 

4. Oats:

Needless to say, oats has been considered the perfect Low Carb superfood for people fighting diabetes. Apart from offering a whole host of health benefits, oatmeal is a great go-to food that can fit into a healthy meal plan for diabetics. Given how it has a low glycemic index, it makes the perfect alternative to other breakfast choices for people looking fto control their blood sugar levels. And thanks to its high fiber profile, it helps regulate blood sugar levels and cholesterol levels while keeping you feel full longer and maintain healthy weight. 

5. Vegetables & Leafy greens:

The healthiest of foods that are highly recommended for everyone. And for those with diabetes, low carb, low GI vegetables can be highly beneficial to control blood sugar levels. Bitter gourd has been scientifically proen  to contain active sbstances that has anti-diabetic properties. Particularly, thee compound called charantin found in bitter gourd or karela has blood-glucose lowering effects. Also, there is an insulin-like compound known as p-insulin that helps improve a diabetic’s insulin activity. 

6. Natural sweeteners:

Since natural sweeterners like stevia do not have any calories and are very low in carbs, they are a great choice for diabetics. They  do not cause blood sugar spikes and therefore make a great Low Carb sugar substitute for people with diabetes as they also help in weight management.

7. Citrus fruits:

They have been found to be very effective in managing blood sugar levels. Due to ttheir fiber-rich profiles, citrus fruits like oranges are a best bet for diabetes. But it is recommended that diabetics have them on moderation. Also,  experts have been listing citrus fruits like lemons, grapefruits and oranges ars they are rich in vitamin C, folate, and potassium considering how it can benefit a healthy diabetic eating plan. 

If you are looking for vegan-friendly Low Carb foods, check out some amazing options from Lo! Foods. From Natural sweetener and delicious peanut butter to trail mixes and more, we have an enticing range of vegan-friendly low carb options to benefit people fighting diabetes.

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