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Is bajra gluten free?

Bajra, also known as pearl millet, has been a staple food in many parts of the world for centuries. This gluten-free grain has gained significant attention in recent times due to the increasing popularity of gluten-free diets. As more people are becoming aware of gluten sensitivities and the benefits of eliminating gluten from their diet, bajra has emerged as a valuable alternative.

In the realm of gluten-free diets, bajra shines as a versatile and nutritious grain that offers a plethora of health benefits. From its rich fiber content that aids in digestion to the abundance of essential nutrients like iron, magnesium, and phosphorus, bajra proves to be a wholesome addition to a gluten-free lifestyle.

Moreover, the versatility of bajra allows for diverse culinary possibilities, from traditional flatbreads to modern recipes like salads, porridge, and even baked goods. Its distinct nutty flavor adds a unique dimension to dishes, making it a popular choice among those seeking gluten-free options with a twist.

Benefits of Bajra in a Gluten-Free Diet

  • Rich in essential nutrients like protein, fiber, iron, magnesium, and B vitamins.

  • Supports digestive health with its high fiber content.

  • Helps in weight management by promoting satiety.

  • Provides sustained energy through complex carbohydrates.

  • Supports heart health by regulating blood pressure.

  • Enhances bone health with its calcium and phosphorus content.

  • Offers anti-inflammatory properties due to antioxidants.

  • Versatile and easy to include in various dishes.

Bajra Delights at home

1. Bajra Roti (Pearl Millet Flatbread)


  • 1 cup bajra flour

  • Warm water (as needed)

  • Salt to taste


  1. In a mixing bowl, combine bajra flour and salt.

  2. Gradually add warm water and knead to form a smooth dough.

  3. Divide the dough into small balls.

  4. Roll out each ball into a flatbread using a rolling pin, or press with your hands on a flat surface.

  5. Cook on a hot griddle or skillet for 1-2 minutes on each side, until brown spots appear.

  6. Serve warm with yogurt or curry.

2. Bajra Khichdi


  • 1 cup bajra

  • 1/2 cup moong dal (split yellow gram)

  • 1 onion, chopped

  • 1 tomato, chopped

  • 1 cup mixed vegetables (carrots, peas, beans)

  • 1 tablespoon oil

  • 1 teaspoon cumin seeds

  • 1/2 teaspoon turmeric powder

  • Salt to taste

  • Fresh coriander for garnish


  1. Rinse bajra and moong dal thoroughly.

  2. In a pot, heat oil and add cumin seeds. Sauté onions until translucent.

  3. Add tomatoes and cook until soft.

  4. Stir in mixed vegetables, turmeric powder, and salt. Cook for a few minutes.

  5. Add bajra and moong dal. Pour in 4 cups of water and bring to a boil.

  6. Reduce heat and simmer until bajra and dal are cooked and soft (about 30-40 minutes).

  7. Garnish with fresh coriander and serve hot.

3. Bajra Porridge


  • 1/2 cup bajra

  • 2 cups water or milk (dairy or plant-based)

  • 1 tablespoon honey or maple syrup

  • 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon (optional)

  • Fresh fruits or nuts for topping


  1. Rinse bajra under cold water.

  2. In a saucepan, bring water or milk to a boil.

  3. Add bajra, reduce heat, and simmer for 20-25 minutes until tender and the liquid is absorbed.

  4. Stir in honey or maple syrup and cinnamon, if using.

  5. Serve warm, topped with fresh fruits or nuts.

Bajra and Gluten: Is It Safe?

Through our exploration, we've unearthed that bajra indeed stands as a gluten-free grain, making it a favorable choice for individuals with gluten sensitivities or celiac disease. Its inherent composition sets it apart, offering a versatile and nutritious option that aligns seamlessly with gluten-free requirements.

Moreover, the analysis has shed light on the nutritional benefits that bajra brings to a gluten-free diet, showcasing its richness in essential nutrients and its potential to enhance one’s overall well-being. From fiber to antioxidants, bajra emerges as a wholesome addition that can elevate the nutritional profile of gluten-free meals.

With its gluten-free nature and plethora of health advantages, bajra emerges as a promising grain for individuals navigating the realm of gluten-free diets. Embracing bajra can not only diversify one’s culinary experiences but also contribute to a balanced and fulfilling gluten-free lifestyle. Bajra is indeed gluten-free, making it a valuable inclusion in gluten-conscious dietary choices.


  1. Is bajra gluten free?

    Yes, bajra is naturally gluten free.

  2. Can people with gluten intolerance consume bajra?

    Yes, people with gluten intolerance can safely consume bajra as it does not contain gluten.

  3. How to incorporate bajra into a gluten-free diet?

    Bajra can be used to make gluten-free rotis, khichdi, salads, and other dishes.

  4. Are there any health benefits of consuming bajra?

    Bajra is rich in fiber, iron, and other nutrients, making it a healthy addition to the diet.

  5. Where can one find bajra and bajra-based products?

    Bajra and bajra-based products are available in most supermarkets, health food stores, and online retailers.

This Blog post is an initiative by Lo! Foods, to provide accurate and Nutritionist / Doctor approved information related to Health. Lo! Foods is India's leading brand for Everyday Functional Foods. Foods designed for specific Health conditions or Needs. Lo! Foods also runs India's largest range of Low Carb Healthy Cloud Kitchens, under the brand names of Lo!, ProteinChef, ATH (All Things Healthy) and DiabeSmart.

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The content of this article is compiled information from generic and public sources. It is in no way a substitute, suggestion, or advice for a qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. Bajo Foods does not claim responsibility for this information.

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